What’s the impact of Augmented Reality on the Ecommerce Industry?

Since 1970’s, ecommerce has improvised thoroughly through emerging technologies. From the retro homepage to sleek and dynamic portals ecommerce does not seems to stop growing in any era. Despite the fact that time is advancing the technologies, ecommerce requires technology to give better experience and services and not solely to adapt the future trends. Hence, both industries and end-consumer avail the enhanced retail system gradually, that has made ecommerce fastest growing business in the modern age.

Augmented Reality on the Ecommerce Industry

Fundamental Difference between AR & VR

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Virtual Reality (VR) technology: A virtual environment created to allow users to experience a graphical world to cherish the ambience. It works with software that forms the real ambience that is observed by wearing VR glasses.

Augmented Reality (AR) technology:

Augmented Reality (AR) technology is a way to amplify and use the scope of reality by combining digital perspectives. It helps land to expand vision digitally and allow virtual product (superimposition) to behave with the real environment to understand the experience of products using applications or software before actually placing the products/themes design or any object on the real space.

Brief Research

Since after the technology reshaped the ecommerce experiences, people around the world fascinated too and convinced of how incredibly the ecommerce has progressed. In 2017, consumers spent $453.46 billion on online ecommerce portals that explains how immense the impact online shopping has made. Until 2021, it is expected that ecommerce verticals will reach to highest earning businesses of all time if it continued to progress and expand with new directions such as Augmented Reality (AR) technology.

Ecommerce Mobile Apps & AR Technology

Despite the fact that ecommerce showed massive progress during the last decade, however, to continue the effect of improvising digital experience both retailers and consumers required to step up and adapt what technology has offered. Therefore, we receive tremendous response from ecommerce giants to prepare the online shopping persona by collaborating experience of Augmented Reality.

AR Technology bridges screen to reality and helps users to understand the capacity, size and existence without having to purchase and observe the needs. It helps online shoppers to experience the product in the real-world environment. Therefore, to gain the power of imagination, ecommerce mobile application development services now active in turning statics site into full-fledge dimensional mobile app with AR technology that can be download via App store and users can calculate the space and existence experience via their smartphones.

To comprehend the impact of AR-based Ecommerce mobile applications, it is mandatory to have the advanced technology accessible to developers. Consequently, Apple and Google who owns the significant portion of mobile phones and apps share in the mobile market have already introduced Augmented Reality platforms to endorse the new methods of supporting ecommerce.

Techniques of AR & Ecommerce Mobile Application Development

AR technology and its urge started not only to support the ecommerce but education and health sectors that have immensely impact on perception how science and technology can change and bring solutions to complex needs.  To inspire your idea and innovation for your ecommerce business, let’s consider existing examples of AR-based ecommerce mobile applications to perceive the broader perception practically.

IKEA Place AR-Based Ecommerce Mobile Application

IKEA is the most significant furniture retailer that generate revenue up to 42 billion. The high-end quality furniture that cost hundreds of dollars collaborated with innovators and introduced the AR technology to their system. As a result, Ikea came up with genius concept of AR technology and emerge it to it Ecommerce mobile application. This Swedish home-goods IKEA is the pioneers of adapting this innovative method to help their buyers experience the ultimate way to feel the product in the real existing environment using a single mobile app.

From size to dimension AR-based ecommerce mobile application developed and designed that consolidate needs and requirements efficiently. All it is required to scan the space in home, office or garden to estimate the dimension using the app and mobile camera where it held the product to give users a real look and feel of a complete picture to test the product existence to help consumers make informed decisions.

eBay Introduced AR Feature to Android App

eBay is B2C most massive multinational Ecommerce giant that has recently introduce AR feature to its Android mobile application. Here the concept is entirely different to what Ikea perception is, however, using the AR has made it easier for eBay consumer with packaging box. eBay understood where most of the eBay consumer get stuck. Therefore, the AR feature in its app helps buyers to find the best-fit packaging box for the product by using the app that displays the product into multiple sizes box from medium to large to quickly choose the one.

Extended reality (XR): AR Technology & Future of Ecommerce

Extended Reality (XR) is the next level or continued version of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality,  and other thriving technologies that help in engaging consumers at progressive levels. Ecommerce companies are enthusiastic to introduce new applications using Extended Reality to dig deep for better opportunities. This Extended Reality technology has introduced a sensory mix that is expected to help buyers to perceive the improved experience that is expected to support the future robotics era as well. An example of kind XR would be a scenario where customers are shopping for a wrist-watch and being able to experience the product by touching and feeling it while trying on virtually.

Out Come

We thoroughly discuss how AR impact over ecommerce business how engaging AR technology is in term of changing the conventional practices with more meaningful interactions. Therefore, regardless of how early it is to look forward to AR-based ecommerce technology, setting up online shopping enterprises requires long-term plans to develop high-end native or cross-platform apps to allow buyers to convince with demanding facilities with quality ecommerce mobile app development services.


BIO:  Jenna Dove Digital Marketing Executive at App Verticals, Dallas USA. We are Industry-leading Mobile app development and Design Company where we build the software that powers the IoT, including custom iOS, Android, and hybrid apps, as well as Ecommerce Mobile App Development and CMS portal.

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenna-dove-4b5a71162/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenna.dove.792

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