SEO Onpage Optimization: Simple Tips for Optimizing Images

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the way of enhancing the rank of a web page in Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Search Engines like Chrome/Internet Explorer are life to a site. A conspicuous position in the search engine leads to more traffic on our web page hence possibility of lead generation will automatically increases. So to do this on page optimization is important this is the reason SEO is so vital to a site. Therefore SEO divides into On-page optimization and Off-page optimization. On-page improvement comprises of elements having direct link with page content while off page advancement factors comprises of backlinks with webpage. There are few tips through which we can optimize our web page and these are given below:

Simple Tips for Optimizing Images

  • Optimizing title and Meta tags are one of the factors which tells about the heading of your page content and meta tags guides/instruct the robots.
  • A website should have a regular site map in XML format which is actually robot friendly which is used for better search engine indexing.
  • Internal linking is another on page activity which also plays a vital role in search engine ranking.
  • URL should be Seo friendly. Major keywords should be used in url as it increases the search engine ranking.
  • HTML code of every webpage should be error free as any error might cause the ranking in search results.
  • Webpage should not contain any black hat techniques like cloaking, keyword stuffing, hidden text etc.
  • Robot.txt file should be written well as to guide robots which file to crawl and which to not.

Hence these are the On Page techniques which proves to be helpful to rank a webpage. Beside these there are Off Page techniques like building no follow and do follow links with other websites and specially with the websites having high Domain Authority and Page Authority.

Although optimizing entire page is important but among all image optimization is the most important factor. Since Google Robots can’t read images but still there are few factors through which we can optimize images properly as images on web page plays vital role in bringing traffic to your website. Given Below are the simple techniques of image optimization:

File Name:

SEO Onpage Optimization

Writing File Name is one of the important techniques which give the description of image. As discussed above robots can’t read images so they get the information of particular image through file name. Filename should be relevant to your text/niche. So avoid using default name because robots can’t find enough information of that image.

File Size:

Second Factor is file size. If size of images on webpage is heavy then this might slow down your website. After panda update total time visit plays a vital role on search rankings. So if site is heavy total time visit will be less hence ranking will also fall down and vice versa. One can use GIF on their website as it is lighter in size.

Alt Tag:

Alt tag means alternate tag. Whenever page take too much of time to load, text written in the alt tag will appear. Tag should be sort and descriptive as it should not express the image in one word neither too long like a long paragraph. Since all these factors are user friendly.

Image Linking:

Since we know that images grab user attention frequently. So linking image is useful only if anchor text is used, don’t link them directly. Such tips are useful if you are making a do follow link with the landing website.

Image Hosting:

Each image in Google Search image has a unique algorithm which is kept safe. Image hosting is one of the algorithms. More value is given to the image hosted as a text on the same domain. Hence whenever taking image from Google search images make sure to download it first to your server and then upload it.


Hence to learn more about optimization and many other features of Digital Marketing then join Digital Marketing Institute Saket, as it is one of the best institute enroll now.

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